Stobbe Group
- develop, customize, manufacturer and market advanced systems for micro-organism (manmalian cells, bacteria, yeast) expression of MonoClonalAntibodi's and mammalian cell proliferation of Stem-Cell's for various therapeutic applications.
Products divided into these groups:
Continuous Cultivation - cultivation at high cell density of suspended or adherent mammalian cell lines harboured in porous scaffold -
Semi-Continuous perfusion - Cell cultivation / retention at high cell density of suspended manmalian cell lines -
Batch and Fed-batch - cultivation or fermentation of suspended cell lines / micro-organisms in SUBs / SUFs ranging from 1/2 liter to 30 liter Vessel Volume -
Advanced Single-Use-Mixers - for viral vectors, plasmid and mRNA products -
Process-Control-Systems, drive systems, sensor systems for a variety of processes -
Fully programmable high accuracy LASER guided diaphragm Single-Use-Pumps -

We design, customize, manufacturer in Europe and market advanced bio pharmaceutical systems globally